The Paramount Pictures has released the first trailer for Bumblebee, the only spinoff from the studio’s big lucrative Transformers film franchise. The director is the amazing Travis Knight to make this live-action , which finds Hailee Steinfeld taking lead role in a story that happened in the 80s.
Bumblebee will set itself apart from Transformers films in that it is set in the 1980s and tells a smaller scale story, and deals with the discovery of Bumblebee on a Californian junk yard. Bumblebee will be in his original Generation, a VW Beetle, which, is a welcome change of pace, since the cars on the franchise are just "too much".
Now, watch the Bumblebee trailer below. Written by Christina Hodson, the film also stars John Cena, Pamela Adlon and Kenneth Choi, etc. Bumblebee will be opening in theaters on December 21st.
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